Tech Governance under Labour: Fabians Defence and Security Group

Tech Governance under Labour: Fabians Defence and Security Group

Start Date:
June 18, 2024 6:30 PM
End Date:
June 18, 2024 9:15 PM


​Arrival from 6:15

​6:30 - 7:00: Networking (food & drinks provided)

​7:00 - 7:40: Panel, Tech Governance under Labour

​Dr Melanie Garson, Cyber & Tech Geopolitics Lead, Tony Blair Institute & Associate Professor, UCL

​Carl Miller, Research Director - Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, DEMOS

​Dr Milly Zimeta, Head of AI, Data, and Digital Identity, techUK

​7:40 - 7:50: Break

​7:50 - 8:40: Presentations, including

​Data and Digital information Bill - Elliot Jones, Ada Lovelace Institute

​Deepfakes - Sanjush Dalmia, Scientists for Labour

​Public Opinions on R&D, Dr Ben Bleasdale, Campaign for Science & Engineering

​8:40 - 9:15: Discussion and networking over drinks


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