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Your Cue Ltd: Actionable Insights for Healthcare Professionals

Health & Bio
Your Cue Ltd: Actionable Insights for Healthcare Professionals

❓ Business Model

  • Enable healthcare professionals to provide proactive care to all patients in hospitals and care homes by providing them with actionable insights.
  • Customers pay us for providing these insights through a subscription model.

📈 Traction

  • University Startup World Cup Early and Growth Stage winners - Denmark and China.
  • UCL Hatchery Startup of the Year- 2022/23.
  • Captable TV Competition winners 2023.
  • £75k+ raised through competitions and grants so far.
  • 15+ letters of intent from private hospitals in India.

🌱Founding Team

  • Dr Nikhit Anilbhai (Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer)
    - Top 100 Asians in UK tech 2023.
    - MBBS, MSc. Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine.
  • Sonakshi Senthil (Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer)
    - Top 100 Asians in UK Tech 2023.
    - Innovate UK awardee.
Your Cue Ltd: Actionable Insights for Healthcare Professionals

📖 Story

The origins of Your Cue stem from hardship and loss - from Dr Nikhit's relentless battle to save lives during the darkest days of the pandemic. As a young doctor working 120 hour weeks across two hospitals, he treated nearly 2,000 COVID patients, desperately trying to help however he could.

But when he lost his own father just as life resumed some normalcy, the system's shortcomings became painfully clear. Dr Nikhit's father suffered just as his patients had, without the timely interventions he deserved.

From this trauma, his mission for Your Cue was born - to enable continuous care for ALL patients, not just those in intensive units. No one should suffer untreated as my father did. No other families should experience our heartbreak.

He co-founded Your Cue with his brilliant colleague Sonakshi to prevent your loved ones from going through the suffering his father went through by using life-saving technology.

Their innovations have the potential to impact a billion lives in the next decade while easing the burden for 10 million healthcare professionals.

👀 Reasons to watch

  • We are trying to solve a real life problem that anybody's loved ones can go through. Nobody knows when our health can take a hit for the worse and we need to be hospitalised to become better. We are improving the process for patients to receive better proactive care.
  • More than 17 million patients are hospitalised in the UK year after year, yet less than 2% of them receive proactive vital sign monitoring than can increase their chances of getting better sooner.
  • HMRC SEIS advance assurance for £150k obtained! We have numerous letters of intent already(University of Portsmouth letter of support - June 2023) and have just received grant support to build in more features into our prototype.
  • We are completely bootstrapped and have delivered a fully functional POC.

➕Further reading

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