4 Best Lessons From "Voices From Gujarat" According To Grishma Patel
Voices From Gujarat
Anita Goyal

This book showcases 21 British Gujarati Women. Women who have achieved success across a variety of fields.
I picked up this book as I am a female who shares the same ancestry, I was intrigued by the title, and wanted to know who these ladies are.
How did they balance the two cultures, what was their journey? I was keen to hear their stories.
This is what I discovered…
1. Strong foundation of support
One thing the women in this book had in common was a strong support system. In some instances, family, for others community and for the lucky ones both.
Community is integral to our culture and something all these women either had or created. They show that if we support each other, we can all move forward together.
As I grew up, attending community events was a norm. I loved being with people whose world was like mine. Friends who had the same boundaries and expectations, it made me feel less alone.
Community was also everywhere. I fondly recall going to an Indian restaurant in Japan. The owner (uncle) wouldn’t let us leave without a cup of chai. Indians want to support other Indians and I am so grateful I get to be part of this.
2. Focus & Resilience
Many of these ladies refused to accept a situation that did not make them happy. They made brave decisions to follow their own path and they invested in themselves.
Through sharing stories, we can start to normalise taboos such as divorce and being a single mum. These women had the courage to follow what they believed in and show us that you can be anything you want.
A firefighter, an aspiring cricketer, a chef. Women challenging societal norms and great examples of what can be achieved.
They demonstrate you can be a wife, a mother, ambitious and successful. That these things are not mutually exclusive.
It's a reminder to myself to not set boundaries on what I can accomplish.
3. Hybrid Generation
Being Gujarati and growing up in England, I resonate with the dual identity these women felt they had to play. I also found it difficult at times to balance the two cultures.
As a young child I found myself hiding parts of myself. Wanting to assimilate and not feel like an outsider.
There was a role woman were expected to play and I struggled to accept this. I strongly believe we should honour our ancestry, but not be afraid to drive change. It’s important to show new ways of being and living.
What these women demonstrated well, is that you can have both. You can keep cultural values and integrate into British society. It is possible to fuse the two and find acceptance within both worlds.
4. Overcoming adversity
These women did not let their past define their future. Despite adversities, they all manage to look forward with positivity. They pushed forward and built successful careers and homes.
Additionally, there is a deep appreciation for the sacrifices that generations before them made.
It makes me think about my story and how much my family had to overcome. I couldn’t imagine moving to a country where I know no one, do not speak the language and where my qualifications are no longer relevant. I can’t fathom a world where the only communication from my family is an occasional letter.
For the women before us who never got the opportunities we have, we owe it to them to be brave. To be a game changer. And it’s inspiring to hear stories of women who have done exactly that.
Like them all, I have immense gratitude for the life in front of me.
- Strong foundation of support: Together we can achieve more.
- Hybrid Generation: Blend cultures and creating your own unique identity.
- Focus & Resilience: Choose the path that’s right for you not expected of you.
- Overcoming Adversity: Take adversity and create opportunity.
All these stories are inspiring and unique but share the same core attributes. Resilience, strength and following a path true to them.
I am reminded of a quote “The life we live is how we teach others” and I thank all these ladies for sharing their stories. They are impacting lives and creating footsteps others can follow.
I am on my journey, discovering my path. One day I hope it’s my unique story I’ll be sharing with you all.