The Best Quotes From "The Source" By Dr Tara Swart
Dr Tara Swart

"Rock bottom game me a new clarity – from that moment emerged a determination I had not known I possessed, and a sense of being on a journey that I must progress on my own to really fulfil my potential."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"The way we think determines our lives"
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"Make life happen for you, not to you."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"Life is not just happening to us; we are creating it with everything that we do."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"Mastering our emotions holds the key to changing our lives."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"There is nothing mystical or magical about setting your intention. It’s just a question of asking yourself: ‘Is my life panning out in the way I want it to?’ and if the answer is no, envisaging the way you’d like It to be and taking action."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"Abundant thinkers, on the other hand, regard failure as an essential element of success."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"Often these things don’t manifest because we don’t have the confidence to ask."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"An individual’s mindset and determination to achieve their goals dictates what happens to them."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"Fully embrace the unknown."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"Key to creating the life I dreamt of lay within my brain."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"Challenge your own thoughts and choose, new fulfilling behaviours."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"In order to manifest abundance, it’s crucial to make space of it in our life."
Chosen by Grishma Patel
"There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen."
Chosen by Grishma Patel