The Washing Machine Project

The Washing Machine Project addresses the global issue where 70% of the world's population lacks access to an electric washing machine and resorts to handwashing clothes. In cases of access, infrequent electricity and water supplies ensure washing machines are not a sustainable option. The company is a grassroots social enterprise dedicated to alleviating the burden of handwashing clothes and the often unconsidered consequences this unpaid labor has on people's lives.
The company has a solution. Using its engineering and product design expertise, it seeks to provide a single, standalone, off-the-grid washing solution that is affordable, portable, and accessible to everyone. The company takes a user-centered approach and constantly looks to improve its design for the needs of the communities it provides for.
The company's experience in International Development has taught it the importance of sustainable solutions. It believes its product will revolutionize the WASH Sector. By providing refugees and indigent citizens with an alternative to handwashing, it is saving communities time, water, and energy as well as mitigating the associated health risks. Importantly, it wants to allow people greater agency in their lives.
Over the last 2 years, the company has had the opportunity to survey the washing habits of vulnerable people in 11 different countries, including India, Lebanon, and the Philippines, and it is currently in the process of fulfilling orders for its 'Divya Two' model to be sent to refugee camps in Iraq and Jordan.
The company's team is always growing, and it has gained a lot of traction. It has the support of organizations such as The United Nations and Oxfam and has been featured on platforms like the BBC and in The Guardian.
2021 is shaping up to be a busy year for the company, and it hopes to travel the globe further to relieve communities of the burden of this unpaid labor.
The company hopes you support it on this journey. Together, let’s engineer a more sustainable future.